17 May 2012

♥ A Word For You, My Dear! ♥


Wah tajuk dah gempak...hahaha...btw memang aku nak tulis something for my yayang (aiceceh), Encik I...bukan a word, tapi so many words aku nak tulis kat sini, untuk die (kalau die bace blog akulah...wakakakak!)

First : 19 hb ni die ade tournament badminton...so ape yang aku nak tulis di sini ialah, aku harap die main elok2, and aku harap die tak terlampau push main untuk menang...cukuplah main sekadar mampu...

Second : Exam OOP II (subjek paling though) dah nak dekat...jangan lupe ajar I ye sayang? >_<

Third and the most important word yang aku nak bagi : Terukir di bintang, tak mungkin hilang cintaku padamuuuuu... xD

Hahaha...macam tak berape nak serius je kan entri aku ni? dah ni tempat aku mencurahkan emosi...so aku tulis je la ape yang aku rase...rase nak bace silekan bace...kalau tak suke...silelah tekan butang pangkah tu or jangan masuk link blog ni, ok? hahahaha....! (statement kejam). Tu je la aku nak post hari ni...sekian Assalamualaikum...annyeong!

#To my dearest Mr I : "My handwriting is not beautiful, my voice is not melodious , my attitude is not perfect and my love is not the best...but I hope when I write "I ♥ You" to you, you will appreciate it... when I say "I Love You", you will happy to hear it...when I do something stupid, you will support me and correct my mistake...and when I give you my love...you promise me that you will care of my love...thanks sayang coz always be with me no matter what happen..." ^_^

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